Monday, November 24, 2008


Well on Friday I got to make another friend at Build-a-Bear. They were having a sale 2 for $24; so it was only $12 for me and $12 for Sierra to make a Moose. It was her first time and only my second time making a friend. My monkey George Whitley I got to make with my Uncle Brenen, Aunt Jaime, Brett, and Megan over the summer. This moose was really cool and has lights on his antlers. You push his hand and he lights up. My moose is named Reindeer and Sierra named hers Moose. After making him we got to talk to Santa again. I walked right up to him and said "I need a big boy bike", Sierra was a little scared but she went with me and said she needed a scooter. Then I gave him a hug and said "thank you" before we left. It was a great day!!!

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