Monday, December 28, 2009

Skate Park 2009

December 27, 2009
Skating on Hilon Head Island with my daddy!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

This morning when I woke up Santa had been to my house!!! AND he brought me the skateboard I have been asking for. Plus there were tons of presents from other family under the tree too!! I opened them all while sitting on my skateboard! There was also a suprise in the kitchen too... SLOT CARS TRACK!!! It has been so much fun. There is a lot but I will try to list them at the end. We had bad rainy weather today but there was a small break so Momma took me outside to try my board out. I still have a lot of practicing to do. But I am very disappointed that I couldn't do it all right away. They keep telling me to be patient and keep trying. I just wanted to go on the BIG ramps but I guess I might have to wait a while. We got videos of this morning but not a lot of pictures but I got to talk to a lot of people on Web cam and let them see my presents. Around 3 we headed to Beaufort for our Christmas dinner of Chinese food and to the Skate park in Port Royal because its covered (and well it was raining again). I was getting tired at that point but I did try. I will try again tomorrow after a good nights sleep. Well here are a few pics and the list of presents...or what I can remember tonight anyway
Slot Cars Track
Cars guitar
crayola light up paint brush
Madagascar movie
Madagascar 2
Hotwheels Big Rig
3 pair pjs
hat and gloves set
5 Cars race cars
Don't Break the Ice
Cycling Jersey
Fishing bag
Puzzle Book
Cycling gloves
Cycling Safety Light
2 pair pants
3 shirts
Bob the Builder Movie
Pirate Puzzle
Crayola color change bath tablets
Crayola bath finger paint
Sea Monkeys
Jungle Book movie
Jungle Book 2
Bee Movie
3 V Smile video games
Cars fire station play set
extra Cars for play set
2 Power Scouts
2 Power Scouts play sets
Box of Cars stuff...socks, writing tablet, money holder, yo-yo, etc
Cars big rig
Handy Manny Motorcycle
Cars Mack and Lightening Mega Blocks set
Book with stuffed Mouse
Nerf style gun
Kids Camera

Santa and Reindeer...

Last night I made Santa some cookies and left carrots for the reindeer. I thought they all needed big carrots but mommy convinced me that they might only want little carrots since they will be getting a lot to eat but I insisted Rudolph get a big carrot. And we also left them some water out too. This morning the cookies for Santa and the carrots both were GONE!!! I also tracked Santa most of the day also. It was so cool to see him go to so many different places. Here are some pictures from last night.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!!

This evening we had dinner at our friends house. Carter and I exchanged presents and had so much fun just playing around. We love to run and have fun. It was really late when we left but we had to get home and track Santa one last time. He was headed to North America so I had to get to bed fast. Thankfully I put my jammies on before we left Carters so I just needed to brush my teeth. Mommy read The Night Before Christmas and I am ready for bed!!!

Thanks NanNan!!

Today I got my package in the mail and it had a new blanket in it from NanNan. I love my blankets from her and this one is Christmas and animals!!! I am taking it with me tonight to my friends house because I will probably fall asleep on the way home. Mommy has already had to cover me up with it so I can rest and little before we go!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Piggy Bank

I have been saving money in my piggy bank for a while now. It's usually just change I get from Nana and Pawpaw or from Mommy and Daddy when they get it. So my piggy finally got to full and busted open (it was little and plastic). I had a good amount in there and have been wanting a new plane or Cars car so today I went to walmart. They have this machine that you put change in and it gives you dollars back. I had $10.75!! I wanted a Cars tractor trailer so Daddy said I could get it even though it was a little more. Well you cant have the tractor trailer without the car to go with it so Daddy let me get that too. I am very happy and have been playing with it for 2 straight hours now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Look Back





Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ridgeland SC Lights / Update

A lot has been going on. I got my first case of bronchitis and then 2 days later ended up with my first REAL ear infections while already on antibiotics. I am feeling better finally. We also went out this weekend and got our Christmas card pictures done. They are in the mail!!! Here is a sneak peak of the idea behind it. We love this place on Riverstreet in Savannah Ga. Its right in front of a candy store which smells so so good and they have trains that run on tracks along the ceiling!!! We also went to Ridgeland SC to walk around and see the lights. They have this really cool nature walk that is filled with TONS of light features. Mommy and Daddy made sure I was bundled up really well and off we went. This is our second year and we love it. The night we went there happened to be a LIVE NATIVITY!! That donkey looked right at me! And NO there was not a real baby out there in the cold...hehe Oh and last but not least...when we got home my daddy made us "hot" chocolate on the stove and it was super yummy!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today was a boring day after running errands so we got out the crafts Nana sent. I made 3 new ornaments for my tree... here they are

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Season

Today we put up our Christmas decorations!!! I love Christmas...I love all holidays. I helped momma put the stuff outside and some ornaments on the tree out front to. Daddy put up the big lights and tomorrow we have to put lights on the magnolia tree. Here are some pics..enjoy

Since we put our lights up we drove around looking at lights tonight on other houses. There is a house here in Bluffton that we LOVE to go see each year. They have to many lights and blow ups in the front yard. They also play music so here is a few pics of it.

Care Package

Thank you Nana and Pawpaw for my care package I got this week. I needed more toys, a harmonica, and a WHOLE bag of tootsie rolls. I have enjoyed every bit of it. The harmonica is so much fun to play and pretty easy for me to do. The crafts will keep me busy this month and I love to sneak the tootsie rolls. The reindeer antlers are tons of fun and I can't sit still when I have them on because they jingle!!!