Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Weekend Recap

Better late then never I guess. Saturday we didn't do a whole lot but Sunday we explored again. One day when Mommy had to work Daddy and I found a park we had never been to. So we took Mommy to see it. There is a walkway into the marsh and there were a bunch of lizards who like to play on the walkway. I walked real slow and quite so we could see them up close. After that we walked down this little trail and led us to a beach we hadn't been to. You can't swim there but there were really cool seashells. I had about 15 of them in my pocket when we got back to the truck. Right over that beach is where the planes come in for their landing, so I was getting pretty excited seeing them. Mommy decided we could go see them at the airport. There were small and big planes, some were landing and some were flying away. I had so much fun. Now that I get around more and talk more we go on more and more adventures.

Oh yeah and last but not least...My Daddy had to get a root canal on Friday so I took my dvd player to his appointment and watched my train video and nusery rhymn video. It was pretty cool.

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