Sunday, March 30, 2008

Boring weekend

We sure didn't do a whole lot this weekend. The title is boring weekend but not bad boring just nothing going on boring. Saturday we searched and searched for me a headboard...well no wonder people order online. There is nothing nice or decently priced around this area at all. So we will be ordering me a red one online tomorrow. It's on clearance until Tuesday. Then my room will finally be finished. I took a really great nap in my bed today. And momma napped on the couch downstairs. She was supposed to only sleep for 10 mins then get up and clean house. Oh well she got most of it done after I got my tubby. Speaking of tubby time, here is me a week or so back. Momma just had to share it with you. And one of me with my new hat on. I don't want to get sunburned this summer.