Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Its been a few days...

Since I was last on here. The cold weather is gone pretty much but still sneaks in every once in a while. The bug going around the house has finally made its way to Mommy and shes not feeling the best right now. And I have a runny nose again. I was so tired last night, I fell asleep in Daddy's arms around 6:30. I didn't even get to take a tubby. I slept really good until 12 when I needed Mommy and Daddy. After getting in their bed I was back asleep until Mommy was taking my jammies off to get dressed for school this morning. I like going to school, Daddy has been taking me in his car. The coolest kids ride in the coolest cars to school. Everyone tells Mommy everyday what a good boy I am. I really try to be good and treat people nice. Daddy and Mommy have done a pretty good job teaching me all kinds of stuff so far.
Mommy had to pick up a birthday cake for a lady at her work and I saw the cake in the truck. I didn't understand why I couldn't have some of it. You are supposed to share. But Mommy said Ms.Kathy would be sure to save me a piece after she blew out her candle. I can't wait to eat it when I get home tonight.

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