Tuesday, June 24, 2008

OH what now?!?!?!

Felix was grouchy Monday but I think he had fun in the bathroom
I am in the tubby; why are you taking pics of me again
My Momma is such a goofball
This has already been a busy week and we are only two days into it. Today Mommy was supposed to take a test but it was canceled yesterday so she spent all day trying to get it rescheduled. She will now be testing in July instead. Daddy is on his way home from work and had to go to the dealership...his check engine light is on. It was an oxygen sensor, hopefully just a fluke from driving home with the gas light on Friday night. Then Mommy picks me up from school and there is a note for all parents that Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is going through the school. I go to school today and Momma gets a call around 11:15 that I have blisters starting so she has to pick me up. After she gets me we go get Popsicles and juice to help me get through the week if this gets worse. Only to call my Dr's office and find out that if I am not running a fever I am NOT CONTAGIOUS and don't have to be out of school. I wasn't and am not running a fever so I get to go back tomorrow and Momma gets to work thankfully. We get these "when it rains it pours" issues every now and then.